Thursday, September 20, 2007

1 down is good bridge

---- This hand was played by me in one of the Training matches at Turkish Youth Bridge Camp in Antalya, September 2007.

KQ32----------Dealer : N
AQT832-------Vul : E-W
-----I was holding my breath while waiting at the 4th seat at unfavorable Vul with this hand, and silence was broken with South's bidding 5. It is not one of hands that needs to be thought deeply, so I bid 5. Everyone at the table had prepared their bids after my overcall. North doubled immediately and All Pass.
--------P-----P---- 5
5----dbl----All Pass
On 9 lead, I went 3 off. -800. All hands:

-----------------JT4-------Dealer: N
----------------- KJ94-----Vul: E-W-
----------------- 96
----------------- K742

KQ32---------- N------♠ A975
AQT832---W----E--- 7
Q-----------------S------ 84
J3------------------------ AT9865
-----------------♠ 86
---------------- 65
---------------- AKJT7532
---------------- Q
-----It was easy to see that we can easily make 5♠, but how we can reach that. While evaluating these hands after the match with our trainers I was thinking if I should dbl 5 rather than bidding 5. But this is wrong because a hand doubling 5should have 2 cards as it is in below:
-----So, why we double 5 while holding 2 card but, overcalling while holding short ?. Answer lies in the logic of the playing at 5th level. It would be nonsense try to play at 5th level while losing 2 . Even with this hand below it would be a good idea to dbl 5 rather than overcalling.

-----Anyway, the reason why I have chosen this hand was evaluating North's dbl and East's pass.
Let's have a view from their sides, may be it would be much more easy to get the situation.

You have:

KJ94----------Vul----: E-W---------------P-----P---- 5

After 2 Pass your partner opens 5and right bids 5. It would be the last thing to double because you see that no way to make 5 and beyond that opponents can make everything except for 5. Do not give them another chance just Pass smoothly.

Now it's time to sit East.

♠ A975-------------Dealer---:-N--------- W-----N-----E-----S
7-------------------Vul-------: E-W--------------P-----P-----5

East can not risk passing to 5 because it would be so optimistic thinking that partner has solid that can play against singleton. What else to bid? Do you play rdbl to play? Better you should not. Rdbl means you are ready for black suits and happy end you reach wonderful 5♠ contract.

We are not done yet with East. Think that you are not in Junior bridge and North pass to 5. Now what to bid ?
If you say Pass, look at this hand:

-----By giving this example I want to mention that 5 bid wouldn't suggest solid suit. So, with that hand better you bid 6. If your partner has solid you play 6.
-----So, an appropriate bidding should be like this:

W-----N-----E----- S
5----P-----6---All Pass

Result: 1 down. -100.


Kung Fu Chicken said...

Hi there... Like the blog! I'm a newer player, and started a bridge related blog of my own.

Would love to chat, etc sometime.

Unknown said...

instead, I love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Komik :) Bence, 5 seviyesinde 4621 ve 4612 i ayirmaya calisan adam bric oynayamaz...Her eli kazanamazsin, bazen rakip de kazanir...