Sunday, October 19, 2008


----After a long time here we go again. This writing will be sort of an evaluation of 1st World Mind Sports Games (WMSG) held in 3-18 October Beijing China. I am sure this championship will be unforgettable event for Turkish bridge because of Juniors great success.

----In July 2008 Turkish Bridge Federation made selection tourneys in Open, Women and Junior categories for WMSG will be held in China. The most appealing thing was surely the selection of Eymen Bedir, born in 1982, for Open team. Actually this great success by my ex-partner was the first spark of Junior success in Turkey in 2008 so to say. I am sure from now on all juniors are aware of their capability in bridge. Eymen Bedir showed and made people believe that there is no boundaries in goals and what a really `true believer` can make anything happen. So, I am grateful that he has made such a great thing and I hope he will be better and better.

----Turkish Open Team qualified for the next round being 3rd at group, however, Norway which is a legend in Bridge chose Turkey as an opponent and we lost against this strong opponent and finished championship with the result 9-16 ranks.

----Turkish Woman Team made great success in Turkish Bridge history with 4th rank. After Turkish Seniors won European championship in Pau-France this success was the best result for Turkey.

---- Turkish Junior Team which was consist of Kizilok-Anter , Sen-Sakirler and Belgu-Yilmazbayhan pairs. Especially Anter and Kizilok had gone Junior championships before. We were really expecting good results from this U-28 team and they were 8th rank at the end of 3rd day, however, we lost Belgium 24-6 the next day and we couldn't keep our good scores and finished 23th. As soon as Kizilok comes to Ankara we will talk about the boards and then will add this blog. He told me that there are so much things to tell. Lets wait and see.

After teams , pairs tourney started and Turkey succeeded its best degree in Junior bridge with winning Gold medal by Sen-Sakirler pair. It is really amazing that Turks start to dominate at bridge. After that Individual took place and again Gold medal was from Turkey from Anter.

This championship was like a dream for Turkish Juniors. We are so proud of them. I hope these successes continues.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


-----Turkiye Bridge Championships was held in 10-18 May 2008 in Antalya. Last 3 days there was pairs Tournament. I couldn't play pairs because my partner did not arrive but I played open teams and Board-a-match tournament.
-----Our open team was quite good. Dogan Uzum and his ex-partner Ozcan Pehlivan were our star players. I played with Dogan Uzum and a woman player. After all matches I've played so far, I realized that it is really tiring but full of experience to play whole championship. I improved myself at this tournament. It was sad that we couldn't qualify for quarter finals. 3rd day we drop B group and stayed there.
-----Anyway, I don't believe I played well in the whole tournament but it was really satisfying to play with Uzum.
Now it is time to take a look at what I have done terrible things so far, lets start with the first match.

Lesson 1: fast 1100
Vul: E-W

After RHO passed I opened 3 and bidding went on:

All Pass

My hand:


It is really a crime to open 3 with this hand in this vul but I have no excuse. How do they say, just do it. And I just did it.

North's hand:


I think he forgot to open 2 and when its my turn I raised one level for him for him by bidding 3.

Lesson 2: delayed 1400
At second match I opened 1 and bidding went on:

p-----2-----dbl----All Pass

My hand:


I could get just 2 tricks for a down 6, -1400. While escaping from 1 I was caught at 2. Actually we caught opps at 1 because it is just down 3,-500 for a good score.
It was a big mistake bidding 2 rather than pass because it is obvious that I have 4-5 tricks at contract.

Lesson 3: best finesse ever

Play 4 from west after ♠ lead.


What is the best line of play?
--take with the ace, cash A,K of play Ace of and cash A,K of ?
--take with the ace, cash A,K of and take a finesse ?

I chose the second line, so we are sure that 1st line is the correct way. Because taking a finesse is only 50% however, if is 4-3 and honour T is doubleton also T doubleton at one side with the T d singleton. Also in this line you win with Qx . You will raise your chances and this makes a bit better than 50%.

South has


So, I was down 2 and opps just made which was a 13 imp loss.

I hope you enjoyed these lessons. Lets finish it and go on with another match.

We are playing against a strong team and our results were 6♠-1, 7 -1 and opps made 6 while 2 aces are off and we managed to get 8 VP from this match.
Our slam and grand slams were off because of not finding Queen of trumps and opps made 6 although I lead ( my p has A of ) but, I lead with a wrong count.

Why did I mislead from this

I know I should lead 5 of because we lead 3/5th to suit but I remember Uzum taught me to lead shape of all hand to slams rather than count of that suit. However, I didn't mention that this is for NT slams, not for trump slams. So, funny but sad. We couldn't take our ace of after leading 2 of assuming to show I have 4-3-3-3 hand.

Now is the time to see what we have done at the last and the most important match of 3rd day for us. Me and Uzum playing against Nafiz Zorlu Turkish star player and I am playing 4 after this bidding.

----------p------1*-----p----------Dealer: North
4-----All Pass


lead K of and continued another . Zorlu took with Ace and switch to .


Actually, I knew all hands while playing but it was the last day of the match and I was so tired and yawning. Moreover, really got stuck with this easy hand at that time.

Zorlu has 5 card and 4 ♠ for sure. All I should do is to cash Ace of ruff a with a high trump, play K of and ruff last with another and cash A,K and play Ace and another ♠ to reach an end:


Zorlu will take K of ♠ and has to play ♠ or a clear ruff and sluff.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beyond the overcall

-----What does an standard overcall require ? I will not try to explain all details of an overcall here but just want to emphasise on one kind of overcall after your partner pass.
If you have below 5 points after your partner pass it is clear that opps have at least zone points. So, you can not just pass with suitable hand and watch them how they gonna reach their zone,slam or grandslam. You should make things harder for them.
For example: What would you do with this hand after your partner Pass and RHO open 1 at vul:All



I know it is very hard for you to make an overcall with this hand but you dont need to be ashamed from your hand, your shape is good enough for an overcall and have 4 pts! Actually, it would be better or more exciting! if there is no K of but anyway take a deep breath and bid 1♠.
This was what I did while were are playing against Senior players at Ankara Winter Teams Semi Finals. Then bidding went on:

P------P-----dbl----All Pass

After lead both hands:



After a short play I managed to get 3 tricks for a down 4 and -1100 for us. So, why did the things go wrong ? Is it all about overcalling with this hand ?

Now folks, If you think that you are comfortable with this hand below after opps have caught you at 1♠ dbl and think that "here is the best place I can play" you need a change of heart. It is one of the most serious things to be caught at 1 level and players never make joke at this level so you should think that 1♠ dbl will be fatal for you. What you gonna do is simple, just rdbl to find another suit.


Now lets look at the all hands:


At the other room our team mates reached perfect(!) contract 3NT with the creative bidding below:


*Partner I have 5-4-2-2(!)

When East did not bother to bid his suit they had no way to find 6.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Don't bother bidding !

----We played Ankara Winter Teams Semi Finals nearly 1 and a half month ago and we ended 4th among 16 teams, and first 12 teams played Ankara Finals. We stayed at 4th place again which was a satisfying result and 7 teams qualified from Ankara and joined Turkey Winter Finals in Izmir at February 2008.

In the first match of the Semi-Finals we played against Turkish Senior players and at the beginning of the match opps played 5 rdbl, however, when I see the dummy it was kind a little heart attack for me.

dbl----rdbl-----All Pass

I was sitting at East holding Q ♠ and K of . I was expecting long at the dummy with an unbalanced hand. What about you how many would you expect at the dummy after this sequence? If you say 5 or 6 you don't have a strong imagination. Just want more!

After ♠ lead dummy is:

Who would think dummy has 8 card 's. When I see the dummy I was scared a bit of course. For some reason he chose to dbl ! Anyway, after a short play we got 3 minor and a ♠ for a down -2, +600 for us. And in the closed room result was 5 -2, +100 for opps.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


----Another board from pairs that was totally top for us. I was holding this hand


Opened 1♠, LHO dbl, partner 2♠ and I bid 2nt as a trial for zone meaning having a sing. My partner asked with 3 and I replied 3 means sing. and partner bid the zone. Both hands:

3-----p-----4♠----All Pass


Result 4♠= and we got 14 over 15. After this session my partner asked me how many pts. I had on this board and when I replied 12 he was shocked because he always tells that being conservative is better
in pairs. Anyway inviting with this hand did not let me down and we were rewarded with a top.

Women Intuition

-------A Junior Championship was held in Istanbul, between 1-5 February 2008 for the selection of the team which will play in Mind Sports Games in Beijing, China, October 2008. This was the second step for the selection of the Junior team for China and we became 2nd at Pairs however, we couldn't qualify for quarter finals at teams which was a shame for us. At Pairs we scored 61,46 and 61,22 at 1st and 2nd sessions which was a satisfying result and started the final session as a winner. At first final session we scored 59.90 but, at 2nd final session we scored 44,64 and ended in 2nd place at all.

------Now its time to talk about some boards from this championship. At the board below I was thinking that I was so sneaky when I was playing 2 from west against 2 beginner ladies.

-----------------N--- ---QJ642

------At first sight I believe that opponents were angels letting me to play 2 while they having 27 pts Then I realized that how evil they are after learning their 4 contract is down 1 or 2. Actually 4 is cold on every lead but there are few players in this tournament that can make this contract despite 5-0 break.
It is easily seen that 2 is down 2. Even I made 2 with the help of opps we got 5 over 15 from this board.

----On the next board ladies strike back again with the bidding below. I was sitting North.

All Pass

Of course they play natural and 3 is forcing but using her supernatural powers she passed to 3 smoothly with this hand.

Result 3 -1 +100 for us and this time we got 3.5 over 15 because 3nt is down 2 on a lead. I would never think that underbidding will cause bad results however when it combines with women intuition I ve learned that it can be so dangerous.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sometimes it is better...

----This hand was played in 6th match of Ankara Open Teams Trials. We have 4 more matches and up to this match our average is 21,6 and it is clear that we will qualify for Ankara finals. In this match we played against a strong team Ergil and lost 22-8 as a big defeat. Lets look at one of the most important boards of this match.
I was sitting at West and LHO opened 1 and pass pass holding these cards:
----I have a clear dbl and your partner bid 3 and you bid 3NT. After a lead you face with these hand:


-----On a lead you see that 3nt is a doomed contract and I lost 4 and 2 aces for a -200.
If you look at both hands 4 is better than impossible contract 3NT. If you think I can bid 4 over 3 it is not true because my p did not overcall 1 over 1 and this bid shows poor 5 card with invitation values. So, how we will manage to reach 4.
Here is the suggested bidding:

3-----p-----4--All pass
Firstly, you should overcall this hand, you have good and enough values for an overcall. Over 1 overcall I should not bid 1♠ or 2 because they are not Forcing so, I cue-bid with 2. And over partners 2 rebid now I can bid 2nt, not 3nt because this shows good stopper. Over 2nt my partner will bid 3 and now I will bid 3. East will be sure about stopper and he will bid 4.
As west I could have bid:

This shows good stoppers and average 15 pts. However, we play this as a good gambling fit.

W----N-----E-----S------So, this sequence will tell partner about good

W----N-----E-----S------However, this will show poor stoppers.
Anyway, this board was played 3nt at both tables for down -2. As a result, sometimes we don't need 5-3 fit to play 4M. If we have a weakness in opponents suits we can play 5-2 fit.