Monday, September 28, 2009

Save the Queen

---Another deal from 22nd European Youth Championship which needs a bit care not much.

Me holding:


My partner opened 1, I bid 2 and he 2nt meaning 15+ balanced. I thought that slam is cold and bid 5nt to choose a slam and last bid was 6 from my p.

6-----All pass

After 9 of both hands:


At first sight it seems that contract is safe when Q of trump is found. I played J of and let North win with Q and after he returned I have realized that I was asked 2 big questions which are ; is J of ♠ is falling? or finesse works? Because if I get 5 spades I have 5+4+2+1 12 tricks however if I get 4 tricks from spades I have 12 tricks with finesse.

I would have come up with solution if I had thought in a proper way that is clear that if I loose finesse to LHO I can still try finesse if ♠ is not good. When I lost J of to RHO and forced for a finesse I got it with ace and cashed ♠ honours which was 4-1 ♠ break for a down 1. And in the closed room it was played 4 making 6.

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