Thursday, February 28, 2008


----Another board from pairs that was totally top for us. I was holding this hand


Opened 1♠, LHO dbl, partner 2♠ and I bid 2nt as a trial for zone meaning having a sing. My partner asked with 3 and I replied 3 means sing. and partner bid the zone. Both hands:

3-----p-----4♠----All Pass


Result 4♠= and we got 14 over 15. After this session my partner asked me how many pts. I had on this board and when I replied 12 he was shocked because he always tells that being conservative is better
in pairs. Anyway inviting with this hand did not let me down and we were rewarded with a top.

Women Intuition

-------A Junior Championship was held in Istanbul, between 1-5 February 2008 for the selection of the team which will play in Mind Sports Games in Beijing, China, October 2008. This was the second step for the selection of the Junior team for China and we became 2nd at Pairs however, we couldn't qualify for quarter finals at teams which was a shame for us. At Pairs we scored 61,46 and 61,22 at 1st and 2nd sessions which was a satisfying result and started the final session as a winner. At first final session we scored 59.90 but, at 2nd final session we scored 44,64 and ended in 2nd place at all.

------Now its time to talk about some boards from this championship. At the board below I was thinking that I was so sneaky when I was playing 2 from west against 2 beginner ladies.

-----------------N--- ---QJ642

------At first sight I believe that opponents were angels letting me to play 2 while they having 27 pts Then I realized that how evil they are after learning their 4 contract is down 1 or 2. Actually 4 is cold on every lead but there are few players in this tournament that can make this contract despite 5-0 break.
It is easily seen that 2 is down 2. Even I made 2 with the help of opps we got 5 over 15 from this board.

----On the next board ladies strike back again with the bidding below. I was sitting North.

All Pass

Of course they play natural and 3 is forcing but using her supernatural powers she passed to 3 smoothly with this hand.

Result 3 -1 +100 for us and this time we got 3.5 over 15 because 3nt is down 2 on a lead. I would never think that underbidding will cause bad results however when it combines with women intuition I ve learned that it can be so dangerous.