Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a standard bid

-----Another hand played by me in one of the Training matches at Turkish Youth Bridge Camp in Antalya, September 2007.

After a fast -800 board I was holding this hand at West::
♠ QJ9874---------------Vul-----:-All



Now its my turn to bid. I was going to bid 4♠ in a hurry but hesitated for a while. If previous board was not -800 after my overcall I would immediately bid 4♠, but I knew that I should overcall again and after 10 sec conflict in my mind I bid 4♠. Waiting that left opponent gonna double immediately he seemed unwilling to bid and after about 1 min decided to double and All Pass. Partner has:
♠ K632
-----I was surprised when I see the dummy. He had so much values for a passed hand and should have opened 1. Anyway it was a lay down 4♠.
-----Result: 4♠ dbl=. 790.
Lets look at the 4 hands and see the real life bidding.


dbl---All Pass
-----What I should emphasis on this deal is about bids of West and North.
West's 4♠ overcall may be thought as an overbid or defined as a
"Lion Heart Bridge Player's Bid" but it is actually a standard bid and should be accepted by everyone.
-----North, instead of doubling 4♠ should bid 5 because he knows that they get 8 tricks and 2 aces, so 5 is down 1 and hard to beat 4♠ unless partner has short . East's pass is "Forcing" and shows a desire to bid 5♠ but West dbl with his values.

Result: 5dbl -1. +200

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bu elin problem olmasi icin bence bizim beyazda olmamiz gerekir...Bence hicbir akli basinda insan 5 kor demez cunku 8 tane kor almak yerine 7 tane kor ve 2 as bazen daha az alir ve 2 veya 3 batarsin...Bence cok sik olmamak kaydiyla bazen de 1 batarsin...Ancak ortakta olmasi cok mumkun olan kor Asi ile defansta 3 love ortaktaki bir Q karoya yada Q trefle 4 piki batirma potansiyeli tasiriz...4pike dbl elbette saka olmali...Bence Pass makul...