Saturday, March 12, 2022

2021 WTC

 Europe Qualifier Open R13 | Board 2

Travellers of this board

When I see Swedish player is one of the 2 players that went down 4♠️ I knew sth was special with this board.

Contract: 4♠️ by East

Lead: ♠️7

Declarer played low and now it's your turn as North!

Andrei went up with the Ace! And played a ♣️!

Declarer immediately rose with the ace believing it’s a singleton and made a plan losing a spade, a club and a heart. 

Then took a successful ♠️ finesse!!!

Now surprise! He lost 2♠️ , a ♥️ and a ♣️ for -1.

Good Defence Andrei!