Friday, October 4, 2013

Blink of an Eye

Sometimes, light at the end of the tunnel can be a train.

This this bulletin is from European Open Team Championship held in Ostend, Belgium, 2013.
Bulletin #10 page 10.

Please note that 1NT overcaller is Gunn Helness.

bridge, türkiye briç federasyonu, helgemo, helness, versace,madala,briç, briç oyna, nafiz zorlu, bridge winners
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Friday, September 27, 2013

Wisdom or Intelligence

What would you bid over your partner's 2 ? Do you make slam try or just stay at 4.

 acbl, bbo, bridge, bridge base, bridge winners, briç, briç istanbul, briç öğrenme, ebl, gazilli, helgemo, madala, nafiz zorlu, online bridge, tbf, türkiye briç federasyonu, versace, vugraph, wbf, world bridge

This hand is from 41st World Team Championship Bali. Semi-final 6th round board 18. If you make a slam try you find yourself at 6 and result -1. Lets see what players have done in real.

 acbl, bbo, bridge, bridge base, bridge winners, briç, briç istanbul, briç öğrenme, ebl, gazilli, helgemo, madala, nafiz zorlu, online bridge, tbf, türkiye briç federasyonu, versace, vugraph, wbf, world bridge

Full Deal

 acbl, bbo, bridge, bridge base, bridge winners, briç, briç istanbul, briç öğrenme, ebl, gazilli, helgemo, madala, nafiz zorlu, online bridge, tbf, türkiye briç federasyonu, versace, vugraph, wbf, world bridge