Tuesday, May 20, 2008


-----Turkiye Bridge Championships was held in 10-18 May 2008 in Antalya. Last 3 days there was pairs Tournament. I couldn't play pairs because my partner did not arrive but I played open teams and Board-a-match tournament.
-----Our open team was quite good. Dogan Uzum and his ex-partner Ozcan Pehlivan were our star players. I played with Dogan Uzum and a woman player. After all matches I've played so far, I realized that it is really tiring but full of experience to play whole championship. I improved myself at this tournament. It was sad that we couldn't qualify for quarter finals. 3rd day we drop B group and stayed there.
-----Anyway, I don't believe I played well in the whole tournament but it was really satisfying to play with Uzum.
Now it is time to take a look at what I have done terrible things so far, lets start with the first match.

Lesson 1: fast 1100
Vul: E-W

After RHO passed I opened 3 and bidding went on:

All Pass

My hand:


It is really a crime to open 3 with this hand in this vul but I have no excuse. How do they say, just do it. And I just did it.

North's hand:


I think he forgot to open 2 and when its my turn I raised one level for him for him by bidding 3.

Lesson 2: delayed 1400
At second match I opened 1 and bidding went on:

p-----2-----dbl----All Pass

My hand:


I could get just 2 tricks for a down 6, -1400. While escaping from 1 I was caught at 2. Actually we caught opps at 1 because it is just down 3,-500 for a good score.
It was a big mistake bidding 2 rather than pass because it is obvious that I have 4-5 tricks at contract.

Lesson 3: best finesse ever

Play 4 from west after ♠ lead.


What is the best line of play?
--take with the ace, cash A,K of play Ace of and cash A,K of ?
--take with the ace, cash A,K of and take a finesse ?

I chose the second line, so we are sure that 1st line is the correct way. Because taking a finesse is only 50% however, if is 4-3 and honour T is doubleton also T doubleton at one side with the T d singleton. Also in this line you win with Qx . You will raise your chances and this makes a bit better than 50%.

South has


So, I was down 2 and opps just made which was a 13 imp loss.

I hope you enjoyed these lessons. Lets finish it and go on with another match.

We are playing against a strong team and our results were 6♠-1, 7 -1 and opps made 6 while 2 aces are off and we managed to get 8 VP from this match.
Our slam and grand slams were off because of not finding Queen of trumps and opps made 6 although I lead ( my p has A of ) but, I lead with a wrong count.

Why did I mislead from this

I know I should lead 5 of because we lead 3/5th to suit but I remember Uzum taught me to lead shape of all hand to slams rather than count of that suit. However, I didn't mention that this is for NT slams, not for trump slams. So, funny but sad. We couldn't take our ace of after leading 2 of assuming to show I have 4-3-3-3 hand.

Now is the time to see what we have done at the last and the most important match of 3rd day for us. Me and Uzum playing against Nafiz Zorlu Turkish star player and I am playing 4 after this bidding.

----------p------1*-----p----------Dealer: North
4-----All Pass


lead K of and continued another . Zorlu took with Ace and switch to .


Actually, I knew all hands while playing but it was the last day of the match and I was so tired and yawning. Moreover, really got stuck with this easy hand at that time.

Zorlu has 5 card and 4 ♠ for sure. All I should do is to cash Ace of ruff a with a high trump, play K of and ruff last with another and cash A,K and play Ace and another ♠ to reach an end:


Zorlu will take K of ♠ and has to play ♠ or a clear ruff and sluff.
