Sunday, March 30, 2008

Don't bother bidding !

----We played Ankara Winter Teams Semi Finals nearly 1 and a half month ago and we ended 4th among 16 teams, and first 12 teams played Ankara Finals. We stayed at 4th place again which was a satisfying result and 7 teams qualified from Ankara and joined Turkey Winter Finals in Izmir at February 2008.

In the first match of the Semi-Finals we played against Turkish Senior players and at the beginning of the match opps played 5 rdbl, however, when I see the dummy it was kind a little heart attack for me.

dbl----rdbl-----All Pass

I was sitting at East holding Q ♠ and K of . I was expecting long at the dummy with an unbalanced hand. What about you how many would you expect at the dummy after this sequence? If you say 5 or 6 you don't have a strong imagination. Just want more!

After ♠ lead dummy is:

Who would think dummy has 8 card 's. When I see the dummy I was scared a bit of course. For some reason he chose to dbl ! Anyway, after a short play we got 3 minor and a ♠ for a down -2, +600 for us. And in the closed room result was 5 -2, +100 for opps.